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  • This form is to be completed in full by the registered owner of the pony in question.
  • This form is for DNA comparison only. It will only compare a sample from the pony you have to the DNA profile held in the lab. It is to be used for identity cases only if a microchip cannot be found or if you feel the passport you have does not match your pony.
  • Once the form and fee are received we will send you a sampling envelope. Please get your vet to take a sample and confirm the microchip if one is present.
  • Please send this sample to Weatherbys for analysis in the addressed envelope provided.  Results will be confirmed to the CPBS within 3 to 4 weeks.
THIS FORM CANNOT BE USED TO SEARCH FOR PARENTAGE OF A PONY YOU HAVE NO BREEDING DETAILS FOR. You may also download a copy of the DNA Comparison/Parentage Search form by clicking the button below. The form should be completed and returned to the address provided. Please note: Sterling Cash/Cheques are not accepted. DNA Comparison Form    
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