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The CPBS Council convened for its May meeting yesterday. After five hours where a lot of issues were dealt with it was agreed to reconvene next Wednesday to complete the lengthy agenda. A report on the findings of a recent enquiry into inspections was presented to the Council. The report was adopted by the Council and the three members of the Complaints and Investigation Panel were thanked for the huge amount of time and commitment they put into the process. The panel will make recommendations to the Council concerning inspections and these will be taken into consideration when reviewing the inspection process. A lengthy discussion took place on HWSD and its place in the CPBS Studbook principles. It was agreed that all foals born in 2016 must be tested for HWSD or be the progeny of two parents who are tested as non carriers of HWSD to be eligible for inspection in the future. If pony owners wish to get their mares or stallions tested they may apply to the CPBS and then have the identity of the pony being tested verified by a vet. The judges for the in-hand classes in Clifden were selected and once confirmed will be published. A seminar for performance judges is taking place in Mullingar on Sunday 29th May. Following the recent resignation of Gearóid Curran, Pat Geoghegan was elected show and grounds chairman. As part of the festival an inter provincial show jumping competition will take place on Saturday. There will be four teams of four and the following Chefs d’Equipe were selected: Connacht             Séan Carey Munster              Joan Dahill Ulster                   Philip Morgan Leinster               Denise Norton
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