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Council Meeting - 20 February 2020

At the recent Council Meeting of the CPBS the following items were agreed:
  1. Colt Inspections for 2020: the decision was made that colt inspections for 2020 will be conducted in the same format as in 2019. Loose jumping for colts will be compulsory.
  2. The Spring Weekend full schedule was approved and may be viewed on the website.
  3. New to the schedule will be a loose jumping option in the Showgrounds would be available for stallions taking part in the Stallion Parade at the Spring Weekend so that they may, if owners wish, demonstrate their jumping/athletic ability.
  4. In addition there will be a Table Quiz in aid of Connemara Therapeutic Riding on the Friday of the Spring Weekend.
  5. From March 1 new opening hours of the CPBS Office will be:
    • Monday -  2pm to 5pm
    • Wednesday - 10am to 1pm
    • Friday - 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
    • Tuesday and Thursday - Closed to the public
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