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Aspiring Writers

Are there any young Connemara pony enthusiasts out there? Would you like to submit a short article/feature about your pony for An Capaillin 2019 In your own words (max 350) tell us what your pony means to you, about your lives together and the activities you get up to: maybe its riding on the beach, competing, young handlers, hunting, jumping. If your article is published you will win a goodie bag full of treats - for you and your pony! Closing date is January 5th, 2019. Send to [email protected] complete with a photo or two and don't forget to include your full name, age and postal address.

We look forward to hearing from you and GOOD LUCK!  

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”

— Louis L’Amour

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